Our Approach

How we work

ICA offers individual and group face-to-face and virtual workshops and webinars, as well as consulting and coaching services utilizing a unique blend of experiential learning activities, self-reflection exercises, assessment tools, and dialogue to transform attitudes and behaviors. Our approach is grounded in mindfulness-based practices focusing on the three “P”s – Pausing, Probing, and Progressing.

  • Pausing encourages stepping back to reflect on past behaviors and interactions, observing what is currently taking place, and assessing the best course of action to take
  • Probing stresses the need for curiosity, appreciative inquiry and alternative perspective-taking
  • Progressing emphasizes a proactive approach to goal setting, problem-solving and creating solutions that are mutually beneficial and promote inclusive collaboration

“No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

Our Methodology

  • ICA provides an integrated service starting with a comprehensive diagnostic needs assessment, customized design, program delivery, and evaluation.
  • ICA optimizes training by tailoring it to unique learning styles. Our workshops offer a variety of experiential learning activities and role plays, audio/visual, case studies, problem-solving techniques, assessment tools, lecture and small group dialogue.
  • ICA employs a model focusing on Conscious Collaboration™ to guide our clients by:
  • Being mindful of how to engage authentically and code switch to try on new behaviors
  • Exploring hidden meanings of messages to find common ground
  • Inspiring trust and growth in a mutually-inclusive partnership

What Sets ICA Apart

  • We provide a holistic training approach focusing on self-awareness, development of knowledge, skill-building and personal growth.
  • We offer modular trainings and services allowing our clients to create a customized and bite-sized package unique to their organization’s specific needs.
  • We conduct in-depth needs assessments comprised of questionnaires, one-on-one interviews and/or focus groups to create highly customized workshops.
  • We provide a two-tiered evaluation with follow up assessment within six months after a program is complete demonstrating our commitment to our clients’ organizational ongoing growth and effectiveness.


Customization is key to the success for all business briefings, whether they are for group programs or individuals. As each cross-cultural workshop is designed according to the client’s needs, the content will be determined upon completion of an in-depth needs assessment. Some specifics we consider when designing a workshop may include:

  • Industry
  • Client’s corporate or organizational culture and values at headquarters and in subsidiaries
  • Group or team’s function and responsibilities
  • Countries and cultures involved